Wednesday, April 1, 2015

red badge of courage stuff

1. Ardor ­​Feelings of great warmth and intensity “She had affected to look with some contempt upon the quality of his war ​ardor​and patriotism.”

 2. Bushwhacker ­​A disparaging term for an unsophisticated person “..., but he be dumbed if he was goin’ t’ have every ​bushwhacker i​n th’ kentry walkin’ ‘round on it.”

 3. Clangor​­ A loud resonant repeating noise “One night, as he lay in bed, the winds had carried to him the​clangoring ​of the church bell as some enthusiast jerked the rope frantically...”

 4. Color Sergeant ­​A sergeant in the color guard who carries one of the colors “The profiles were motionless, carven; and after he remembered that the c​olor sergeant was standing with his legs apart...”

5. Din ­​A loud harsh or strident noise “In the hearing of this present ​din ​he was doubtful if he had seen real battle scenes.”

 6. Doggerel ­​A comic verse of irregular measure “As he marched he sang a bit of a ​doggerel i​n a high and quavering voice”

 7. Imprecation ­​The act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult) “Many of the men were making low­toned noises with their mouths, and these subdued cheers, snarls, i​mprecations,​prayers...”

8. Jest ­​Activity characterized by good humor “Well, yeh kin b’lieve me or not, j​est ​as yeh like.”

9. Lurid ­​Horrible in fierceness or savagery “His busy mind had drawn for him large pictures extravagant in color, l​urid​with breathless deeds.”

10. Musketry ­​The technique of using small arms (especially in battle) “They were pursued by the sound of ​musketry f​ire.”

11. Reconnoiter ­​Explore, often with a goal of finding something or someone "Oh, I suppose we must go r​econnoitering​around the country jest to keep 'em from getting too close, or to develop 'em, or something."

 12. Yokel ­​A person who is not very intelligent or interested in the culture “His mouth was agape in a y​okel​fashion.”

 The Veteran Reflection

 The Veteran showed how Henry was after the war.​Crane explains how Henry got used to the battles and how he tells the children his war stories.​Henry named his grandson after Jim, the tall soldier.​Henry mentioned how he thought Jim was born for war and that he had to get used to it. He crushed the idea that he was always a hero when he was at war.​When the Swede told Henry that the barn was on fire, Henry called out to people and many men came to help.​He went into the burning barn to save the horses and cows. At the end of the story when Henry realizes that he forgot about the colts he runs into the barn like he’s on a mission, going in the burning barn at that point would be suicide, it was with a ‘no man left behind mentality’ of a soldier that he tried to save the colts.​Unfortunately for Henry the roof of the barn caved in and crushed him on impact, but it was a very courageous and it showed that he had changed a lot from when he first started out.​He even admitted that he was scared when he first went to battle, unlike when he actually went to battle for the first time as a self­centered kid with a romanticized idea of what war was like.​

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