Tuesday, November 2, 2010


by the Grimm Brothers

The six swans is about a king that has seven children ( six boys & one girl) and he has them kept in the forest so no one can find them when the queen finds out she is not to thrilled. So she sews shirts that are magic so who ever puts it on turns into a swan ahh! The queen finds the children and put the shirts on them, but she does not know that the girl is still inside the house. when the girl saw her brothers fly away in the forest, and the queen had left the girl went searching for her brothers. she found a little hut with six beds inside, and she then heard the sound of wings rushing through the wind. she saw six swans flying in through the window they took off their feathers a though they were shirts. it turned out to be her brothers they said to her " the only way to break the spell is sew us shirts from star flowers, and you can not talk nor laugh while doing so or it won't work." so she did as she was told it took six years, and she could not speak or laugh which was all right for she did not have anyone to talk to. when a few years past someone saw her and thought she was so beautiful that he made her his bride. as the last of the six years went by she kept sewing the shirts and in the end her brothers came and put on the shirts and lived in a castle with their sister.

I think my followers should read this story because... the six swans is a very interesting read. the girl's love for her brothers took over all the rest it was such a entertaining story i HEART IT.

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